What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese healing technique, discovered by Mikao Usui, dating back to the early 1920’s. This gentle energy is channelled for the client to encourage and support you holistically on all levels; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Working with the 7 main chakras, (the energy centres of the human body), reiki promotes the natural flow of energy, bringing you into harmony and balance. 

What are the benefits of Reiki?

  • Promotes harmony and balance to your mind, body and soul

  • Encourages a more restful sleep

  • Relaxes and releases tension from the body 

  • Clears the mind and improves focus

  • Helps spiritual growth

  • Promotes self confidence

  • Accelerates the body’s self healing ability

  • Relieves stress and anxiety

  • Supports fertility

Who is Reiki suitable for?

From babies to children, teens and adults. It is even safe in pregnancy. Not only will it be beneficial for Mum, but your baby too!

Reiki cost for under 16’s - £35 per session

  • “I’ve just had my first ever Reiki session with Gemma and it was simply unreal” - Tracy

  • “Gem is helping me and supporting me through my journey. I can feel myself improving after every single visit” - Lisa

  • “I left feeling relaxed, calm and lifted” - Hannah

  • “It’s hard to find the words to describe how powerful the session was; I was absolutely stunned. The experience was incredible, and I already feel ‘lighter’” - Sara

  • “Gem picked up on so much that resonates with me, and the life changes it has bought into my life is incredible” - Vikki

  • “Last night I had the best sleep I’ve had in a very long time, I’m talking years. I feel like a new woman” - Vicky

What happens during our
Reiki session?

We will sit down together for your initial consultation to discuss where you are on your journey, any intentions you wish to set for the session, and what to expect etc. You will then lay on the treatment couch with the comfort of a warm blanket and if you wish, an eye pillow.

With the calming aromas of my candles and essential oils which are intuitively chosen, I begin your Reiki treatment.

I use a mixture of hands on, by the gentle placing of my hands, and hands off, where I am hovering my hands over your body. You may feel a range of sensations during the session such as; heaviness, tingles or pulsing of energy. It is also not unusual to feel emotional during the session, this is where Reiki is bringing emotions that have been stagnant to the surface, to be healed. Not one session will ever be the same for you. Your body may respond differently to the energy and you may also be needing the Reiki for different reasons each session.

I ask my client to trust that however they experience their Reiki session is how they are meant to. 

During the session I am intuitively guided, allowing and trusting the beautiful healing energy to flow to where it is needed for my clients’ highest and greatest good.

At the end of the session, we have a little chat about how the session was and welcome you to share anything that came up for you. Please be assured, the space I hold for you is safe, supportive and non-judgemental, and you are treated with the utmost discretion.

Reiki cost: £45 per session.